Minggu, Mei 03, 2009

Time to imagining

Today, i've been ignored by my own idol. Her initial is 'B', so lets just call her b. well, i'm pretty much fucked by her action. I'm about to add her in fb, and no matter how hard i try, she just didnt care. yeah she ignored me. i try to add her like seven times and she keep denying me. Annoying. Much Annoying. I want to get to know her. and i'm not plan to steal any of her pictures. i suppose. okay b, i will stop to add you, juz so yew knoe, i adore you like crazy people :)

i understand that you probably afraid that i was one of your fakers, but i'm not, and you dont know me well, but i do know you, i like your taste of fashion and i've been watch all of your video on your youtube channel, you just didnt know it. give me a chance b, i really want to know you.

i imagine that if i were b, maybe i will be so upset that i have a tons of people who pretend to be me. they show my pics and labeling that the pics was taken by theirselves. it's annoying, and so hard to play cool. people become popular just because they wear my pics. and everytime i said this is my real account, everybody keep telling i am a fake one.
imagine if i were paris hilton, i saw the magazines that has paris hilton as the cover, they said paris is a dumb girl. stupid blonde, but hey, she's rich.

the conclusion is no matter how popular, rich, good looking they are, they still a human, unperfect, and have they own problem. we are the same. but we treated different.

i have not any time to imagining anymore, i love my life. at now. two hours later? idk.. let's just hope my life can be better.

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