my old lovely friend called me and revealed all of his stuff, suprising reality my girl has been tricked by him from the first place. he and his who'e has been together since elementary school!. i told it to other my lovely friend and she's shocked as i was. i always try to tell her and she never hear. now, i know the thruth and i dont wanna tell her and bring her down again, enough for her. she's struggle to forget him, and if i tell her about the thruth she may collapse. she will. no doubt.
she's wrong to put him a big trust even she know that he isnt a trustworthy enough to put her trust on. wow, i writing about TRUST now. she know exactly that he isnt a good person. well, in case, somebody, he's not so good-looking, clever, and worst he loves to get drunk. but, he never do drugs. you know him, but just know the outside. you dont know his past, his habits, his ex gf, you really dont know him at all. you just know his name, and several of your friends know him or ever saw him. how come you trust that person?.
he's been lying from the first place. she doesnt know. he still love his ex and she (again) definatly doesnt know that. what the hell that meke her keep her trust on him? she answer me 'love'. the question is, does he love her too? she accurately doesnt know because she too shy to ask. she trust. she shy to ask. and she will never know his feeling for sure. self-inflicted.
okay, that's it. oh,btw, aku pke ing. soalny aku mau jaga perasaan dia (she/her) walopun tokoh yang kuceritain pada jago ing. haha biarin aja dah ga peduli! :)