Rabu, Mei 20, 2009

yes, i know the thruth.

my old lovely friend called me and revealed all of his stuff, suprising reality my girl has been tricked by him from the first place. he and his who'e has been together since elementary school!. i told it to other my lovely friend and she's shocked as i was. i always try to tell her and she never hear. now, i know the thruth and i dont wanna tell her and bring her down again, enough for her. she's struggle to forget him, and if i tell her about the thruth she may collapse. she will. no doubt.

she's wrong to put him a big trust even she know that he isnt a trustworthy enough to put her trust on. wow, i writing about TRUST now. she know exactly that he isnt a good person. well, in case, somebody, he's not so good-looking, clever, and worst he loves to get drunk. but, he never do drugs. you know him, but just know the outside. you dont know his past, his habits, his ex gf, you really dont know him at all. you just know his name, and several of your friends know him or ever saw him. how come you trust that person?.

he's been lying from the first place. she doesnt know. he still love his ex and she (again) definatly doesnt know that. what the hell that meke her keep her trust on him? she answer me 'love'. the question is, does he love her too? she accurately doesnt know because she too shy to ask. she trust. she shy to ask. and she will never know his feeling for sure. self-inflicted. 

okay, that's it. oh,btw, aku pke ing. soalny aku mau jaga perasaan dia (she/her)  walopun tokoh yang kuceritain pada jago ing. haha biarin aja dah ga peduli! :)

and on this, i’m gonna wish you a good end of the day. bye

Selasa, Mei 19, 2009

got stuck stuck and it's dark!

hari senin kemarin i went to the cinema with my bff nadia, we watched angel&demons, and you just have to know that 21 is really sucks! bayangkan kita tu lagi tegang-tegang nya nonton film, udah ac nya ga jln maximal krn penghematan,  worstly, in the middle of the movie, eheh mati lampu, sekitar 5 menit an gitu para penontonnya dibiarin melongo soalnya yampuun gelap banget!! gimana sih 21 makin hari makin aneh deh, udah film ny g ad yg up date, di tambah lg skrg yg maen cuman film indonesia yg kbnykn ga mutu dan mesum, and pemainnya itu itu aja. mana yang baru barunya?? trus, yg dipajang di coming soon pada ga pernah diputar, ngapain coba kalau di pajang ya ujung ujungnya ga di putar juga, bikin ngiler doang. oh i really wish we have blitz megaplex or other cinemas.. 

funnily, i enjoy the movie even we're being interrupted, asyik aja pas lg nntn eh mati lampu. cuman 21 bjm yg pernah deh kayanya. berasa ky layar tancep. :)

ah, i just finishing my handcraft. i decide that i should show here what i've made..

~gelang buduk dari sumbu kompor~

yap, ga mutu banget yah? hahahaha, ibu guru aq bilang bikin kerajinan dr bahan bekas, sebenarnya mau pake stik eskrim buat dibikin tempat pensil/frame, tp menurut aq bakalan cape abis, trus keingetan pelajaran kesenian SD yah akhirnya beli sumbu kompor dan melilit-lilit benang wol sekitar 10 menit voila! jadilah gelang kuno di atas, kira kira dilelang ada yg nawar ga yah, secara gelangnya bersejarah euy, ky gelang yg di pake cleopatra! ga percaya? google it!

i have another task to be done, bye XOXO (pdhal mau maen yoville di facebook, itutuh game simulasi virtual gitu, tapi janji hbs itu ngerjain tugas kok :P )

Kamis, Mei 14, 2009

Are you familiar with the feeling of impossibility to throw some particular sound pattern out of your head?

wait, cerita hari ini bukan tentang emotional story, it's actually a funny story. don''t mind about a poetic title, cause aku nemu di situs poetry poetry gituh, trus foto di atas ga seluruhnya related to the story. aku pajang disini soalnya story that i wanna share today is about noise. oke, today i went to school happily, teruss sekitar pelajaran kedua (fisika) yang yaampun membosankan sangat sangat, so i put headset on so i could hear some musics. it's really bad habit, but i don't care, normal students used to do it too. if you didnt, be careful, you maybe out of normal. back to the main story, karena aku bener khusyuk listen to my out loud music, i couldnt hear anything else. trus nadia , my bff, told me if i hear something. pas ku denger baik baik-kucopot dulu headset aku, ehh mobil aq alarmnya bunyi , it's such a noise!!!! yaampun ngeri banget kalo sampe guru guru pada nguber aku n ujung ujungjya aku dimarahin. syukur banget aq parkir deket ama kelas, so remote nya bisa nyampe, i fix it immediately and keadaan pun jadi tentram like there's no noise before. i relieve and hope something like this wont happen again. i'mm so panic like a.. panic people of course. omg, it's so panic situation. 

sekarang pertanyaannya kenapa alarm aku bisa nyala? dugaan aku sih karen ada orang yang mau ngebuka pintu mobil aku, syukur banget udah aku kunci. kalau engga bisa bisa mobil ku raib. ohh, thanks god for alarmed me. apakah aku kapok dengerin lagu pas pelajaran berlangsung?. Hell no, i still listen to my music in the last subject. 

Rabu, Mei 13, 2009

If they dare to speak, why didn’t they directly prove it?

Semua orang pasti pernah di bullshit-in ma orang lain. They keep talking about random stuff, promising us, and then we trust them, unfortunately mereka nipu kita habis-habisan. recently, ada orang yang promising me something awesome, but end up dengan mengatakan 'sorry, aku lupa!'. emang simple, tp seandainya kalian tau apa yang dia janjikan ke aku, dan bagaimana dia terlihat menjanjikan di mataku, dan saat kalian merasakan hal yang udah kita korbankan demi hal yang dijanjikan tersebut cuman menghasilkan nothing, i bet you will verry verry angry,no,infuriated i think. i do learn to be such a patient human, but it's getting redundant! kalau aja,kalian liat muka yang bilang 'sori aq lupa' itu yang so innocent itu pasti bakalan lupa diri. dia udah nyuruh nyuruh aq macem-macem padahal aq tau dia sendiri males (atau mungkin ga bisa?) eh aq tetep lakuin ko. kayanya yang bego di aku nya yap? mau banget dijadiin budak. dia berani janji, dia berani bilang dia bisa lakuin hal ini itu asal aku join ama dia, kalau dia emang bisa kenapa engga langsung buktiin aja kalau dia bisa, walopun dikit setidaknya aku percaya lah. pokoknya mulai sekarang dia ku jadiin the people i hate most in my whole fucking life!

enough talking about that kid, barusann aku bantuin dougie poynter buat jadiin mcfly sebagai top trending topics di twitter, and results!!! it works! caranya gampang banget, tulis mcfly sebanyak yang kita bisa so mcfly come over the top!

also, aku baru tau loh kalo b suka juga ma angus, thongs and perfect snogging! ntu film kan aq adore bangett, it's nice to know that b actually has a same fav movie as me. i take her quiz and i got 2 right answers from 8 questions. same score as lauren. not bad i guess.

i'm slowly start to put my obsession of a&b out of my mind. because there's no possibilities they can be together like i imagine. oh hey, my pizza is coming, bye XOX

Selasa, Mei 12, 2009

I can hope, but we all hope for silly things, don't we?

siigghhhh, i'm so exhausted. hurt is being my friend latly. i hold it and then sometime it's no longer can be. who on earth would be happy of being hurted? sick, do i have to lie everytime about everything? may look so hopeless, but for real i'm certainly not. i do have hopes, some hopes that i couldn't tell about, sounds so crazy tho i keep it so far. just wondering if it can become a real things. see my title? i can hope, but we all hope for silly things. just ignore it, silly or not, at least i can hope. lol :) i learn how to smile full-hearted, i make it right, it's fine. i suppose. 

whoa, it's probably gonna be my shortest entry, is it?

Senin, Mei 04, 2009

do you miss my love?

"Does it hurt
To know I'll never be there
Bet it sucks
To see my face everywhere
It was you
Who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
You knew
Exactly what you would do
And don't say
You simply lost your way
She may believe you
But I never will
Never again"
Kelly Clarkson

in my case, this is true.
sweetheart, my confess is right here, i hope u read.
all this time i've been telling you lies. we always play hide and seek, i hide you seek. i know i turn my back on you when you need me most, i choose to get away and let you down. i never think what i about to do to you. that was a huge mistake.
that mistake was gold I know that without you,
is something that I could never do. you cheat i cheat. the same score. i am sorry, and when you said you miss me and want me back, never again, i'm off of this game. you're the winner. but enough to talk about me and you. did you ever concern of love that i gave you? it wasnt a lie, it's real,unconditionally and serendipity. so do you ever miss my love?

Minggu, Mei 03, 2009

Time to imagining

Today, i've been ignored by my own idol. Her initial is 'B', so lets just call her b. well, i'm pretty much fucked by her action. I'm about to add her in fb, and no matter how hard i try, she just didnt care. yeah she ignored me. i try to add her like seven times and she keep denying me. Annoying. Much Annoying. I want to get to know her. and i'm not plan to steal any of her pictures. i suppose. okay b, i will stop to add you, juz so yew knoe, i adore you like crazy people :)

i understand that you probably afraid that i was one of your fakers, but i'm not, and you dont know me well, but i do know you, i like your taste of fashion and i've been watch all of your video on your youtube channel, you just didnt know it. give me a chance b, i really want to know you.

i imagine that if i were b, maybe i will be so upset that i have a tons of people who pretend to be me. they show my pics and labeling that the pics was taken by theirselves. it's annoying, and so hard to play cool. people become popular just because they wear my pics. and everytime i said this is my real account, everybody keep telling i am a fake one.
imagine if i were paris hilton, i saw the magazines that has paris hilton as the cover, they said paris is a dumb girl. stupid blonde, but hey, she's rich.

the conclusion is no matter how popular, rich, good looking they are, they still a human, unperfect, and have they own problem. we are the same. but we treated different.

i have not any time to imagining anymore, i love my life. at now. two hours later? idk.. let's just hope my life can be better.

Sabtu, Mei 02, 2009

this summer = no good no fun or so good so fun

OH BABY it's SUMMER...............
i probably didnt like hot stuff, but summer? i do love it. okay let's talk about,

i'm officially liking one boy from Massachusetts, boston name trav, he's succa laugh!
well, i'm just about chat with him and it's fun, you know.
i wish i lived in america or uk?, i wish, i wish, i wish that my wishes could come true. and it's just couldn't be, maybe someday, someday.

good news, aq free slama one week. how lovely it is, isnt it? nowadays, satu minggu libur penuh bener bener jarang banget. bisa nonton (21 here we come), bisa hang out with bff, bisa tidur pulas, bisa ol seharian penuh. bisa download sebanyak mampus. bisa tweet sesering mungkin. bisa chat. youtubing. browsing. oh, i'm so excited. NO SO, NO SCHOOL, NO RULES, ONE WEEK. How cool. And Let us scream "WE DONT NEED UNIFORM, HOMEWORK AND BLAHH BLAHH, WE FREE". tp cuman satu minggu boss, terus turun lg, back to school, ah such a boredom place.

the one week holiday start from now on, so i wanna sleep, bye XD