Sabtu, Juli 18, 2009

infinite playlist

hehe title nya ngikutin pilem nick&norah infinite playlist. itu tuh film yg maen michael cera sama kat dennings. trus pic di atas udah pernah nampang sebelumnya karena aku suka yah aku pajang lagi aja.. here's my music list this week :

La Roux - La Roux (album)

La Roux ini Band Baru asal Inggris beraliran Electro Pop. musiknya rada mirip sama Lady GaGa, Little boots dll gitu. kalo menurut aku lagu lagunya la roux ini intronya mirip banget sama brokencyde. but lagunya yang judulnya Quicksand Bener bener asyik! Bulletproof juga!

Miranda Lambert - Dead Flowers (Single)

She might be one of the most beautiful people and her voice is so pure. I love this song!!

Meg & Dia - Here, here and here (Album)

It's such a great album so make sure to give it a listen!! aku emang rada telat sih dengerin lagu ini. Dia suaranya keren sihh.

Cobra Starship - Hot mess (single)

it's really a great song! pokoknya cobra starship banget dah!!

Paradiso girls - Patron Tequila

aaahhhh i love the video!!! and also the reason i keep watch the video on youtube is because Aria Crescendo (the girl with a short blonde hair). i love her cause she was born in TRANSYLVANIA!!! and then moved to FRANCE. also she can speak 4 language-english,french,romanian and italian. see, i like transylvania so much then i really want to go to France and i wanna be able to speak french and italian. she's just fit of all i was dreamed about.


Kamis, Juli 16, 2009

Pure Cuteness of alexandre♥

i couldnt remember how many times i watch this video. like hundred times, i guess. It shows Alex's sweet side. alex just soo cute when he didnt expect that his friend ( spencer bergen, oh they both really look alike!) makin a video. he was so uncomfortable but he so cute when he shy. it's rare to see he's shy anyway. and yeah his face looks sweeter here. compare to other pics of him which commonly fake by people and on his usual pics he looks like another skinny emo boy not that he would have any muscle or no expressions. this vid is soo natural. watch this video make me "awwww, alex, marry me!!" for real.

oh,i have news and i found it on spencer bergen blog..
The first ever responsive android robot has been created in canada, and her name is Aiko. Her creator, Lee Trung of Brampton Ontario, says that he has been designing robots since he was a young boy. The 33 year old currently lives with his parents in Brampton as he has spent all his money on creating the reportedly $25,000 robot. Currently, he is looking for donors to continue his research and development on Aiko.

For more information about Aiko and her creator, visit

Rabu, Juli 15, 2009

i'm pissed

one question in my mind now,


i know it sounds so selfish, cause i know myself change too. but someone(a girl, and i've been talking about her alot times in here) that i'm going to talk about here is just change too far from the girl i used to know. dia udah berkali kali bikin aku kesel dan barusan dia bikin aku teramat sangat kesel. dan lagi lagi dia ga sadar kalau dia nyakitin hati orang. i realise that i was so lame for just accepting her rude words instead clearly say to her that she's so careless of using the words and she doesnt know her words are causing her so many trouble. i used to like her. but she's changing far too much. she's outta my reach. she doesnt understand me anymore. perhaps she thought i am a lame so she can treat me whatever she want to. or perhaps she doesnt like me too. so many probability. she's hurting hell outta me. i was like beggin to her "dont go changing" but she already blind and deaf so nothin left for me to change her back. her friends and lovers makin her like this. or perhaps again, i am the one who's being so lame and not being a good friend for her. yeah maybe iam the one who's changing and turn to be sensitive girl. oh my i got headache again. i need a rest. too much thoughts in my brain.

everybody pissed on everybody, that's it.

Senin, Juli 13, 2009

pretty woman

i was just read a list of 15 hottest teen celebrities, and the list is..

  1. Miley Cyrus
  2. Vanessa Hudgens
  3. Emma Watson
  4. Hayden Pannetiere
  5. Blake Lively
  6. Taylor Swift
  7. Selena Gomez
  8. Kristen Stewart
  9. Dakota Fanning
  10. Jordin Spark
  11. Taylor Momsen
  12. Emma Robert
  13. Shenae Grimes
  14. Shailene Woodley
  15. Daveigh Chase
well, i kinda disagree because i think Emma watson is the hottest of them. and come on Emma Watson is a waay hotter than miley cyrus and Vanessa Hudgens. maybe because they are from disney (wot?).

i know the actress from number one til twelve. i never heard Shenae, shailene,daveigh. maybe theyre new. atau akunya yang ga update. one thing, i love the name of those three girl. Shenae, Shailene, Daveigh. wow nice name.

i'm google shenae and actually she's the girl from 90210!! haha i never watch this series so i didnt know her!!

Shenae Grimes

Shailene Woodley

Daveigh Chase

ah one photo from hayden pannetiere that stole my attention

They're such a pretty women!!

Sabtu, Juli 11, 2009

got influenced

heyy! lately i've been heard so many music. but i have a special list. and on this i'm gonna tell you each one of those songs which has been caught my attention and make me couldnt stop hearing it. fyi, i'm not trying make some review of the albums or songs. i just wanna let you know and give my personal opinion.


i describe this album in two words, COMPLETELY AMAZING.
aku pribadi paling suka lagu Hello brooklyn, Lost in Stereo, Sick little Games, Stella, Walls. personally I think its the best album out and the best album All Time Low have made. lirik yang paling aku suka "Under the moonlit skies, we'll be hanging like a cigarette. So stunning, start running Tonight's like a knife, would you cut me with your kiss?" from hello brooklyn. love for this album : ♥♥♥♥♥


Boys like Girls come back!! walaupun cuma single, tp tetep terpuaskan!! well, single yang satu ini emang BLG banget! aku tau lagu ini pas nge klik music monday di twitter pokoknya most of the results said this song is worth to hear. well my opinion personally, lagu ini kerenn. i absolutely couldn't hear this. my favourite lyrics "I love you forever, forever is over
We used to kiss all night. now it's just a bar fight
So don’t call me crazy. Say hello to goodbye." love for this single : ♥♥♥♥


The pretty reckless is a taylor momsen's band. Taylor aka Little J from gossip girl tv series. well i think she's a pretty good singer. and she said she wrote 100% songs by herself and she's the lead singer and lead guitarist too. yeah, i really fuckin love this song!!!
love for this single : ♥♥♥♥♥


well, another song from Gossip Girl actress. i like this song and it's make you couldnt stop dancing. "I was hanging in the corner. With my five best friends. I heard that you were trouble. But I couldn’t resist"
love for this single : ♥♥♥


this album is fantastic. this album is a little different than the music we are used to listening to, but it still has that Mandy Moore feel to it. i love the song fern dell and I Could Break Your Heart Any Day Of The Week.
love for this album : ♥♥♥ (for the song Fern Dell ♥♥♥♥♥)


I enjoy every single song in this album. but for the most is Happy!! it's cool song. My fav. lyrics "I'm happy knowing that you are mine.
the grass is greener on the other side. the more i think the more i wish.that we could lay here for hours and just-a reminisce"
love for this album : ♥♥♥


Supposedly this new song is off a chinese EP. it's a pretty good song. and somehow lagu ini calm banget.. plus easy listening. my fav lyrics "A dirty laundry needs a laundry man. Maybe the king and the queen should lay off the caffeine. Baby breathe before you react"
love for this song : ♥♥♥♥♥


Here is the first single from Paramore off their upcoming album, it's 3 months left for their new album to comes out.
love for this song : ♥♥


The album is very different than her other albums and I think it's AMAZING. I've been waiting years to hear her sing some regular songs not just songs with the same beat. go hear it!!!!
love for this song : ♥♥♥♥


Seriously, i like this song so much. i know winter passing is an old song. i actually got it in December 2008. and i'm starting listen to it in February and til now i still love it.. The academy is just so amazing.
love for this song : ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥(oops i guess it's too much)


Okay, that's my special list which had been playing on repeat in my mp3 player.
i often get depressed on something and music is succesfully make my mood right again. so we can say that iam so influenced by music that i heard. haha.

btw, i'm gonna go shopping with famz tomorrow and probably gonna buy new album or dvds. i'll let ya know.

have a great day. and keep listening to your music. (haha i feel like a retardo)xxx

Minggu, Juli 05, 2009

im sick of this boredom or i'm bored of this sickness?

boredom is taking over me again. kayanya memang setiap liburan deh badan aku ga pernah fit. cold lah, flu lah, fever, headache and bla bla. pasti sakit. padahal mo jln kmana mana eh eh ujungnya ya meringkuk di kamar, under my thick blanket, consuming the pills, ah pokoknya rutinitas aku itu itu aja.

thanks to the net which made my holiday a bit better. yeah i've been spent my times by twittering a lot, maen pet society tp pke cheat sih, reading some new books! trus exploring video on youtube and i guess you'll probably wont care but i took french pronunciation online course. free yg pastinya. males banget kan bayar buat pronounce R ala prancis? so far aku baru take lesson 2 sih ya ngucapin R yg baik dan benar which was soooo difficult to me to learn. lidah indonesia kan beda ma lidah french ppl. jadi coursenya itu via video gitu kesannya kita face2face ma orangnya itu. ya biar kita diem jg dia ga tau. aku ambil tentor yg cewe. sexy bgt dianya. hahahaha. oh iya masa aku disuruh nyanyi lagu anak elementary! judulnya Allons Voyager! yang artinya Mari berpetualang gitu lol yah entertain juga sih tp nadanya mirip ma naik naik ke puncak gunung gitu. aku sempet mikir prancis niru indo loh.. tp kayanya kita deh yg niru mereka.

oh also this video has lighten my day :

btw, rencana ke pantai bareng anak2 kelas sepuluh satu bakal di rencanain lebih lanjut tanggal tujuh ini. i hope i will get better soon.

klo dipikir pikir yah liburan di rumah lebih safe daripada keluyuran. kan ga asik banget kalo dapet accident and wont be able to go any where.
awalnya aku ngerasa extra extra extra extra bored. Like, deathly bored.trus ya lumayan deal lah sama boredom ini.sekarang normal aja ga terlalu hepi ga terlalu bored.

but like a normal teenage girl i really wanted to go somewhere new
and i'm just conditionally cant.

so you can release your boredom by doing something you really enjoy of doing it.
in addition, the net is a big help !!