Sabtu, Juni 27, 2009

would love to say " HAPPY HOLIDAY"

libur telah tiba! hore hore hore!
as you expected, i'm so excited right now. coz. alhamdulillah aku naik kelas ke IA 2 and the rank is still the same. yup nine is could be my next lucky number since my 1st and 2nd semester rank is 9th.

not just that the reasons why i'm so cheerful. it's because finally i be able to escape from school activities. i'm in holiday mood. imagine for a girl who extremely tired of a bunch of school stuff finally have a 3 weeks free days to do everything she want. she will be instantly so happy right?. tp teteup ada aja yg disturbing my plan. tau ga? SO ttp nyuruh membernya gather! absurd. apa mereka ga seneng biarin orang libur? kenapaa sih ada aja minusnya. tp biar lah kita kesampingkan dulu yang penting i have a 3 weeks to refresh my mind and beachh... here we come!!

aku sama anak anak kelas sepuluh satu planning to go to the beach this july 6th. hope everything will be just fine cause i absolutely looking forward of this moment when we finally be able to take a trip to somewhere to having fun and enjoy the last moment.. oh now i'm sad. Bestie aku di skul pd masuk ips.

apa lagi yah? o iya aku kemaren rabu nntn premiere nya tranformers 2 which was so cool. yg blm nntn sangat direkomendasikan buat nntn yg satu ini. pilem nya edaaan keren abis dah.

oh, i wanna say my gratitude for everyone in my life. but for the most i would like to thank to my good gracious god.

i guess that's for now. i will write here more often since i wont be busy for the following day. but if i aint post any blog soon that's maybe because i have so many things to do *jd aku busy ap engga nih?? btw shopping tu kegiatan kan?*

thank you. have a wonderful holiday everyone. bye

Senin, Juni 22, 2009

Hello fellas..,

I'm so sorry that i havent post any blog for a long time. i'm just not in my mood to write. i was so busy of dozens tests, tasks, and many other activities lately. oh yeah i also busy of read comics which was soooo fun for me. i read alot of comics and novels. but i most likely read detective conan which i adore so much since i was in elementary school, woohoo that comics really make me curious and hysterical!. i am in hurry now since i have a task to do and i have to print it now and collect it tomorrow. it's exhausting but at least i do that for increase my score. my biology score is bad, my physics is worse than ever, my math is the worst of all!!
so i want you to wish me for a good luck, good score and all the best in my life. thank you.

btw, gaga performance stole my attention, watch her awesome perform on youtube.

have a nice day, you all.

Kamis, Juni 11, 2009

Bored as hell.

This week is supposed to be so fun for me. no school, no exam remember? but in fact, i spent this whole week with doing something which was so not fun and interesting enough. for worst, i sick. flu,cough,headache ruined everything. dizzy, heavy breathing, cannot sleep well, and i even cannot talk one full day cause my voice is somehow gone. soooo pathetic. that's why i don't have some great stories to write here. my activities during this weeks is sleeping,sitting in front of my laptop, checking my facebook *which was nothing new*, updating my twitter, consuming my pills, nap, going somewhere *and it's still not fun enough to me*, dinner, sleeping. that's it honestly what i did this week. honestly.

twitter became really addicting to me though. i just cant let myself not to update twitter everyday. these days who doesn't know twitter? it's like updating status in facebook. so simple.

well, i guess i have to take some pills so my headache can be gone. wish me fine, cause i'm sick of this sickness stuff and i'm bored as hell

Jumat, Juni 05, 2009

put the mask on, right now.

it's fun to act definitely different from one side and other side. somehow made me feel that i am so fabulous for being such a pretender. i was avoid to become that one, but instantly whenever i think i have to put the mask on, i'll do it. how absurd,huh?. but for sure, i put my mask on when i meet, talk with only one people *i'm sorry i don't wanna describe this people completely, but the gender is female*.  She's random and annoy me everytime we had a conversation *or whatever* she's so insecure, it's been proven that she had no little idea that she often hurting my feelings and she's just wear a face that nothing ever happened or it's because she's so retarded and she even dont know of what she said it's actually hurting me so deep?. before, she's a quite nice girl and now on she's turning to be classy,bossy queen. and we're poor people that has to beg her for money. 

the problem is.. she like me and i just cant be so mean to tell her stay away from me. this is hard situation. she's being nice,called me on my phone, my instant messenger,*even though she didnt know of what she said it's annoy me a lot* then i will put my mask on, i wear my nicest-ever-seen smile. but if she's done with me*or the phone call* i put my mask off and sighh alot. she's love to be near me, til myself cant even write on my diary how i hate her because she's always stole my diary and read it out loud in front of so many people. she's upsetting right? that is why i write about her in my secret blog *is it secret?*. oh tomorrow will be the last exam day of this week cause day after tomorrow/monday, i will have a week of holiday. so spirittt!!! i'm happy to hear that at least i have some kind of refreshing time and after a week, exam again.

for the people that i was bubbling about, just wanna tell you that i have ever mentioned about her before, right here in my blog, go check previous post then you'll find out.

Bonsoir :)

Rabu, Juni 03, 2009

what a day!!!! exam exam exam washing my brain fully.

nilai ku bakalan gimana yah? secara, td pas ngerjain matematika mentok abis dah. cuman 10 dari 25 soal yg bisa ak jawabin.. ga nyampe setengah euy. sisanya, saya serahkan kpd yang maha kuasa. 15 soal yang lainnya aku bener bener ngarang. pkoke satu jam itu aku sibuk gambarin kertas coretan aku sama segala macam binatang and lope lope an. trus klo pengawasnya mampir baru deh nulis rumus rumus yang pernah aku inget. ya kalo bahasanya boleh lah, secara banyakan ngebaca. and jujur aja pas bahasa aku ketiduran sekitar 10 menit, soalnya kelasnya adem euymana aku duduknya di paling belakang, pojok, deket kipas angin rusak yang gak misa muter jadinya kena aku ajja. ngantukk lah otomatis. padahal pengawasnya luar biasa killer, tp ntah knp dianya lumayan jinak tuh tadi *waduh, maap bu saya kelepasan omong* yah yah begitulah setidaknya ulangan td aku seratus persen pake kemampuan aku sendiri. no lies, no cheats, i'm just so sleepy. trus siangnya aku nonton sama mama baru deh pas sorenya sadar buat belajar Pkn soal kewarganegaraan n ntah knp td ak kepikiran albrook vanzie. haha imajinasi tidak terkontrol. 

hey hey it's proven right that i'm  truly not a good promise-keeper. right? i kept saying that "oh, i wont online for more", "enough to online", and blah blah blah.

since i wasnt a good promise- keeper, i dare to say that i will keep onlining until.. i dont know maybe until later which i don't know really when it is. complicated. live for today. and tomorrow i hold an examanations.

What the heck that i'm trying to say??

Selasa, Juni 02, 2009

Desperately need motivations!!

tomorrow i'll have the exams to do. yep it's tomorrow. tomorrow!

i kept promising myself  that i won't be online today, and the following day, til exams time is finish. but see, now, i'm face to face with my laptop and typing down some words on my blog. in other tab i downloading a songs. what a lazy ass i am.

selain itu, besok *huhu besok euy, sedih akku dengernya*  pelajaran yang diujikan esok math sama bhs.indo!!! i'm not so fvckn well at math, i'm the worst at that fvckn subj.!! how could i oh how could i ?? so much pressure. i need motivation. right now. tell me how to get that. until that i'll try to read some math books that recently i borrowed from my school's library *walaupun akhirnya ga kebaca and malah gambar bunga ma love2 all over the page*  i said i try right? that's it. internet so addictive. fb,ms,twitter,perezhilton,esnips,ebay,youtube,mtv,etc 

ya allah, mudah-mudahan besok akku bisa ngerjainnya dengan baik dan benar, berikanlah yang terbaik untukku. amiiiinnn

huh, my next thing to do it's reading math books. so many books, so little time. ohhh mmmyy goddd, i cant accept it but.. what can i do?

LenXKahoko Fever!!!

Is there anyone loves La corda d'oro Prino passo series?? well, just wanna say that season 2 ( La corda d'oro secondo passo) is so Pretty cool, awesome, Fantastic, and romantic. compare to the season 1, season 2 is more more more Romantic!!!!

Sheessshh, akhir akhir ini ak keranjingan segala hal tentang la corda d'oro baik yg primo passo juga yang secondo passo. tp kayanya lg adore yg secondo dehh! ahhahhh
love it love it love it so damnnn much!! ceritanya super duper mega extra sweeeettt.

pokoknya si len.ny mo study abroad alias pergi skolah di luar negeri! and kaho looking so desperate. well, it's prove that kahoko love len!!! cool huh? well read it on <--click there, just click next to view next page.

I seriously want kahoko end up with len no matter how.

Viva violin romance!!!