libur telah tiba! hore hore hore!
as you expected, i'm so excited right now. coz. alhamdulillah aku naik kelas ke IA 2 and the rank is still the same. yup nine is could be my next lucky number since my 1st and 2nd semester rank is 9th.
not just that the reasons why i'm so cheerful. it's because finally i be able to escape from school activities. i'm in holiday mood. imagine for a girl who extremely tired of a bunch of school stuff finally have a 3 weeks free days to do everything she want. she will be instantly so happy right?. tp teteup ada aja yg disturbing my plan. tau ga? SO ttp nyuruh membernya gather! absurd. apa mereka ga seneng biarin orang libur? kenapaa sih ada aja minusnya. tp biar lah kita kesampingkan dulu yang penting i have a 3 weeks to refresh my mind and beachh... here we come!!
aku sama anak anak kelas sepuluh satu planning to go to the beach this july 6th. hope everything will be just fine cause i absolutely looking forward of this moment when we finally be able to take a trip to somewhere to having fun and enjoy the last moment.. oh now i'm sad. Bestie aku di skul pd masuk ips.
apa lagi yah? o iya aku kemaren rabu nntn premiere nya tranformers 2 which was so cool. yg blm nntn sangat direkomendasikan buat nntn yg satu ini. pilem nya edaaan keren abis dah.
oh, i wanna say my gratitude for everyone in my life. but for the most i would like to thank to my good gracious god.
i guess that's for now. i will write here more often since i wont be busy for the following day. but if i aint post any blog soon that's maybe because i have so many things to do *jd aku busy ap engga nih?? btw shopping tu kegiatan kan?*
thank you. have a wonderful holiday everyone. bye