Kamis, Desember 31, 2009

Into New year, say hello to 2010!

years go by, bener bener ga kerasa udah satu tahun!

hmm my new year's resolutions:
  • nabung yang banyak
  • punya prestasi yang bisa dibanggakan
  • nilai fisika kimia biologi lebih tinggi
  • ahh pokoknya to be perfect in every way lah (maunya)
Aminaminaminamin :)

sebenarnya pengen cerita hal hal penting yang terjadi 2009, tp kelupaan. selain itu ada banyak kejadian yang wow di tahun 2009, which i cant tell you one by one (padahal emang lupa). oh and semoga tahun 2010 lebih banyak laughter nya drpd sorrow nya!

i'm so happy it's 2010 already coz i'm craving to see piala dunia huahahahaha.

well let me say HAPPY NEW YEAR againnn. May the year bring us Love,Happiness and Blessings. 2010 will be waaaaaay better than 2009!



(maklum lg obsessed banget sama gossip girl, tiap sms maunya nulis ex o ex o trus initial S kaya Serena hahahaha. i want Jenny and Nate to be Pair up! Serenate is kinda boring i think. loh? ko ngomongin gossip girl? :O )

Rabu, Desember 16, 2009

Seasons are changing

it is sure fucked up feeling that i got when i find this blog is sort of abandoned by me. lately, i'm so lazy to typing something long like two paragraph that is why i rarely update this blog. Sorry. i'm just active in twitter, tumblr and plurk. facebook turn to be so lame like friendster right now. twitter is so simple, tumblr is so easy, and plurk is rather unique. no offense, blogger, i think blogger is kinda difficult, you know? . try tumblr is easier! haha!

sebenarnya 30 menit lagi my conversation class dimulai. and i havent showering, preparing anything. instead i choose to write a blog. weird huh?

i'm done decorating my tree and xmas shopping. i hope this xmas will be great! dang! what i've said? ignore ignore! :D

soo many thoughts in my mind to write but i have to hurry coz i have my convo class starting in 25 minutes! i'm not gonna promising that i will posting a blog some more after this cause you know, when laziness kicks in, so hard to fight hahaha :P so excuse me, i'm off to my convo class

Senin, November 09, 2009

i change my mind as quickly as i blink

yeah, i know, the title is longer than usual but it's true.
that thought is true on how i change my mind so fast. it's sucks for me. when i was thinking of doing this and then something happened, it turns out that i despised it and start to thinking of doing that. and in the end i do nothing. i'm not doing this or that.

it's like every decision that was made by me is not fixed. it may change in every second. i hate it because somehow if i 100% want to do this then i consider it again, i feel like i wont doing this. even though i know exactly by doing this is much better than do nothing or just stay at home.

i'm in the middle of the huge confusion. my mom knock my door and tell me to sleep just now. so i will continue this next time.

smelyalata :)

Rabu, November 04, 2009

you, bird of the summer

You came with the season,

as the first swallow sang

A brown headed stranger,

with a five-letter name

We planted our kisses

where the wild berries grow

my feet sprouted wings and

I flew all the way home

My cheeks red like fire engines

racing straight to the heat of your skin

and I know our days are numbered,

early bird of the summer

you’ll fly south just as the fall begins

The leaves changed their colors

the schoolyards were filled

My coat with the patches

barely keeps out the chill

You sent me a postcard from a town out of state,

I wish it were warmer

I hope you’re the same

The fields where we wandered were golden

Now only muddy my boots

I know I should recover,

you’re a bird of the summer,

I was wrong to try and capture you

Gone is the pale hand of winter

Here is the first flush of may

And soon I will discover whether birds of the summer fly in circles or just fly away

Jumat, Oktober 30, 2009

halloween '09

havent been able to write a blog make me feel guilty because of 100% my laziness and i'm out of ideas. since today is october 31st which mean a happy halloween day so i decide to write about it. As you have probably know that in my country we arent celebrate halloween day, i personally want to but people in my country is rather 'difficult'. Pake kostum macem macem ntar bisa di cekal lagi hahaha.

but i got an invitation to attend halloween party tonight but yes it is above 9 pm so i absolutely not allow by my mum.

haduh internet aku connectionnya slowley sekaleee

off to the main topic, well i rather suprised by the fact that Owl City has scored and unexpected US #1 with the single Fireflies. aku kan suka fireflies udah lama ko baru skrg sih ngetopnya? telat banget nih peoples. btw, talking about owl city reminds me of another male singer yang suaranya rada mirip sama Adam Young, yaitu :

☻Christofer Drew/Never Shout Never
☻Stephen Jerzak
☻Chase Coy

pokoknya suara mereka, instrumen, lirik lagu, musiknya semuanya miriiiiiiip banget. dan aku kebetulan lagi suka banget sama musik musik 7 lirik yang sweet kaya gitu. trus entah kenapa akhir2 ini suka banget denger lagu yang slow..

songs that most played :
Chase Coy - 440
Chase Coy - Lullaby
Chase Coy - If the moon fell down
Stephen Jerzak - Alone With The Sunrise
NVN! - Hummingbird
Stephen Jerzak - Together With The Sundown
Owl City - Vanilla Twilight
Chase Coy - My Heart Will Find Rest
Chase Coy - Mockingbird
Owl City - The Saltwater Room
Stephen Jerzak - I'm in Love
NVN! - Trouble
Stephen Jerzak - Cute
Stephen Jerzak - King
Owl City - If My Heart Was A House
NVN! - On the Brightside
Escape The Fate - Harder Than You Know
3OH!3 - Still Around
Hey Monday - 6 Months ← ♥♥♥♥♥

i dont have anything to say anymore, so see ya!
and of course HAPPY HALLOW's EVE!


Selasa, Oktober 06, 2009

my future

di kelas aku ada temen yg bisa ngeramal nasib. and yesterday i asked her about mine. i mean about my love, life, luck, and everything.

and she said about my love life future :
"suatu saat nanti, yah sekitar pas aku kuliahan nanti, bakalan ada seorang cowo yg yaa lumayan lah (sebenernya dia bilang cowonya perfect bngt! amiin. hehe) bakalan datang ke hidupku tanpa aku duga sebelumnya. aku cinta dia. dan sebaliknya. sayangnya bakalan banyak orang yang sirik sama aku. karna aku ga pantas sama dia. dan itu bikin aku makan ati. sementara itu bakalan ada cowo kedua yang bukan tipe aku banget dan aku juga enggak nyangka kalo dia suka sama aku. and it turns out that the second boy probably can make my life happier than the first-perfect-boy. dan satu hal lagi. mereka berdua serius sama aku. jadi pintar pintar aku nya aja"

honestleyy, ak maunya sama cowo yg pertama hahaha.karna ga masalah orang sirik sama aku, yang penting dia sayang cinta sama aku. no matter what they say about me i will always love him. hahaha. derita mereka karna ga punya cowo sekeren dia. ( waduh ini kan entaar, bukan sekarang! huh mudahan aja dah )

what she said about my life in the future:
"aku bakalan diterima di masyarakat dan selalu diterima di kantor kantor. dan aku bakalan sayaaaang banget sama anak anakku."

well, karena dia bilang aku bakalan diterima di kantor kantor alhamdulillllaaaaaaah berarti aku sukses dalam bidang pekerjaan. and about the childrens, emang ada yang ga sayaang sama anaknya?

what she said about meh :
"sharla itu orangnya boros (bener banget) dan sampai tua bakalan ttp boros (wuduh). males sholat(kena banget nih yang ini nih). sebenarnya aku bisa populer tapi karena akunya cuek bener, ga care sama yg lain, dan prinsip aku adalah JANGAN PERNAH URUS HIDUP GUE URUS AJA PUNYA LO SENDIRI. (masaa sih). ga nurut orangtua."

hmm, semuanya bener kayanya. tp dia bilang ak ga care? masaa sih? tp bener jga pas dia bilang aku cuman mikirin temen temen dan orang orang yg berkesan buat ku aja. sisany buat apa coba ak care? ntar dibilang sok care lg. trus dia bilang juga kalo kecuekan ak harus di basmi dan dia liat di masa depan aku ga terlalu cuek lagi. yes yes yes!. oh iya satu lagi, tntng ga nurut orang tua itu bener buangeeet.

nah setelah ak diramal si dia. the results is jadi rajin sholat, nurut sama si mami, mulai engga cuek lagi (biar bisa populer and dapet cowo si perfect itu tadi huahahah mau mau)

mungkin ramalan semacam itu ga bisa di percaya 100%. tapi yang kaya gitu bisa memotivasi kita buat bikin hidup kita wayy better than today. jadi ya ada baiknya juga kaan (apalg cowo gue ntar bakalan perfect abiss haha jd ngayal deng)

dan kalo suatu saat nanti aku ini lupa (maklum) makanya ak report ke blog ini buat posterity. huah ak bolos les fisika cuman buat nulis blog. ancuurr.

c u l8r.

recent mood : aha!
recent music : ashley tisdale - crank it up

Jumat, Oktober 02, 2009

octo october!

"And I hear him singing while he sits there in his chair,
While these autumn leaves float around everywhere."

i've been too busy and rather lazy to write a blog, so sorry for the lack of post these days. well i'm pretty much fine and still drowning im my current obsessions which still the same as i told earlier. musics, korea, fafi, hellokitty, detective conan, la corda d'oro, naruto, cute manga, real madrid, FC Barcelona, Mcfly, Hollywood, Twilight Saga, A Lister, photobooth, slide side candy.

hmm sebenernya masih banyak secret obsessionnya ak. itu cuman sneak peek nya doang. soalnya malu kalo dibeberin panjang lebar *blush* cukup ak dan tuhan yang tahu :)

oh iya forget to mention soeulmate! yeah this is one of my top 3 biggest adoration.

ak gemeeeeesss bngt sama mereka. ko ga jadian aja sih? setelah segudang kesamaan yang mereka punya. satu university. satu kelas lagi. terus banyak banget kemiripannya (cek di sini deh → bumsso). gengsi amat buat confess feeling masing masing. bohong besaar kalo kim bum ga pernah merasa tertarik sama kim so eun yang luaar biasa cute. apalagi kim so eun, ga mungkin dia ga menganggap kim bum itu keren *except she's blind*

barusan nemu foto ini

beuh, mesra bener, apa kim bum ga jealous?
klopun engga jadian seenggaknya main pilem bareng kek, trus ada romantic & kissing scene nya gitu *ngarep* biar fans soeulmate terpuaskan :))

btw it's finally october. yeyyyy tanggal enam belas ini ak ulaang tahun. even i dont really like the idea of growing older but i'm kind of girl who's love the present. especially money money honey hwhwhwhw. and it's autumn. masa masanya ak bersin bersin tiap pagi mao peri ke skul gatau knp :)
senin ini bakalan uts, cuih , i must study harder for a good score.


recent mood : wonderfuln
recent music : demi lovato - everything you're not

Sabtu, September 19, 2009

fafinette and korea.

ih titlenya ga nyambung banget yap? but that's the most thing i've been liking lately.
it's like obsession. just so ya know i'm a girl who's full of obsession in her head. and my obsession could change on every second of the day. depends on how i like it. and of course the net do help me alot!!

off to the main topic..

Fafi Fafinette
Born and raised in Toulouse France, Fafi's strong presence in the graffiti and fine arts scene was first witnessed on her hometown walls in 1994. Back then, as she was painting and hustling, her sexy, funny, and sometimes aggressive girl characters made the whole world look and help kick-start a whole new graphic language; by exploring feminity through stereotypes, and using it to her advantage, she drew enormous attention and thus started to travel the world with thousands of Fafinettes in her brushes and paint cans. Europe, USA, Japan, Hong-Kong, the planet is a playground. And it's only started.
Soon enough Sony would ask her to design a six-character toy set for the Time Capsules collection, an almost natural move for her three-dimensional measures. Other successful figurines would follow, as well as numerous expositions and collaborations with Colette, Adidas, LeSportSac, Coca-Cola, M.A.C cosmetics and countless press stories in the most prestigious magazines (ie. Vogue, Elle, The Face, XLR8R, Yen etc...).
The animation world started to eyeblink her vision in Mark Ronson video featuring a Fafi-ed Lily Allen.
Her multi-faceted work was all documented in her books GIRLS ROCK (2003) and LOVE AND FAFINESS (2006), both being also successful prints in museum libraries and selected shops.
As for 2007, Fafi entered a new phase. Having become a mother and moving to Paris made her introduce a new depth to her creations. Now not only the Fafinettes are fly girls, they also run a whole universe of creatures, homes and vehicles. It's called The Carmine Vault. It's a dreamy and peculiar place.

fafinette is soo cute and wonderful! i saw her pic on some random blog and instantly fell in love!
and now i'm so obsessed with her! cute fafi and she's french!!!!!! woop. woop. >.<>
  • song seunghyun (F.T. Island member)
  • Kyuhyun (suju)
  • Kim bum
that's it, and as for the korean girls, they all look pretty similar i guess. muahahahaha but kim so eun is real beauty! she's so natural, pure, fresh and cute. also i have an adoration for song hye gyo. oh my she's hottest and sexiest korean actress i've ever seen. i like yoon eun hye too!

see, i really obsessed with them. whoaaaa

ah summer end. and autumn season is begin. falling leaves....

ramadhan is sadly over, which mean i'm gonna go to school soon. oh no! the same boring routine! and worst, EXAM! hiks hiks what must i do?? nothin. Damn!

on a lighter note, besok adalah hari kemenangan bagi umat muslim. please forget and forgive all of my mistakes. mohon maaf lahir dan batin :))

Rabu, September 16, 2009

hey hey hey

i just wanna say, that i’ve been waiting someone for like 7 hours. from morning to very late evening. never wait someone like this before. so, i write here cause i thought it was cool! i know i probably sounds like a weirdo. but hey hey hey just imagine, he said not to wait him but i insist to wait him. i brought 4 books and even though i read it so freakin slowly but i end up finish all the books in 4 hours. i get reallly bored and cursed myself cause of my own ignorance. and what’s really bothered me on the next 3 hours is i have nothing to do. my phone was low-bat. and i forgot to bring my mp3 player along wif me. worse, the people beside me had such silly conversation and sooo annoying. it was two ladies, they talked about pregnancy and the other girl that i thought she was my age but she eventually already had two kids and gladly tell the other lady that she was married by an accident. you know, that kind of thing that you will never tell everyone, but she happily told the story when she was in high school, pregnant, got kick out from her school and married. and blah blah blah. i was really get annoyed of them.

but it was worth to wait him, cause finally, i see his smile. he felt so guilty of let me wait him for seven hours. i said it’s cool and yayy! he smile again :)

Sabtu, September 12, 2009


i feel so terribly sorry that i didnt publish any post lately. well, this blog is sort of forgotten by me honestly lol :D . cause i made myself a tumblr account which way easier than blogger. but hey, i miss this blog soo damn much thats why i decide to write tonight. okayy, let me tell you my current obsessions. first off, i'd love to tell you that i'm so madly obsessed with kim so eun, kim bum, kim ki bum ( from suju) and kim yoona. yeahh this four kim just soo fantastic to me. i cant helped myself to search their news or everything on google daily. and also for this SoEul couple, i dig their video on youtube and watch the great ones everynight. awesome huh? yeay!

i also made a plurk account http://www.plurk.com/sharlalalalove

many things happen around me, but i'm so lame that i couldnt remember it at all, so i guess you can see my updates on twitter, plurk, or tumblr

band/singer i currently listen to :
  • owl city
  • a fine frenzy
  • Lynhurst
  • Lydia
  • Art vs Science
  • Paramore
  • 3oh!3 ft katy perry
  • Three days grace
  • Lady Antebellum
  • Taylor Swift
  • Justin bieber
and yeah i'm in love with justin drew bieber voice cause it's so cute like a girl then i google him and apparently he's sooo cute and younger than me ! ! ! '94 yo!

well that's for today, gonna motivate myself to post here dilligently. good night :)

Minggu, Agustus 23, 2009


"Sometimes the truth hurts,
but you have to remember
It hurts even more when you find out its a lie."

i know i'm the type of girl who kind of afraid to speak up my mind to a person. or at least i was. i always wrote on the diary and now in my blog. the rules has changed. something happen lately between my mum and i. that causing me to not hesitate to speak up again especially to my momma. oh god, she's wonderful. i thank her for so many things. thank you mum, for always stay by my side.

then the best friends. i'm such a loser and i know i've been wasting my times being a bitch to you. i always complaining you to be the best while myself forgot to introspect. sorry to you and i've learned my lesson. dont want to breaking the ties with you. cause i know i'm nothing without you.

whoa. sharla lagi dibawah pengaruh bulan ramadhan yang mulia. bayangkan dalam satu hari ini aku udah banyak mikir gimana caranya diri aku yang sekarang bisa menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik dari hari ke hari.

a month of forgiveness. i was a terrible mess. and today i'm fixing up all the broken things.

btw, lagi libur nih seminggu terus turun lagi dua minggu terus libur lagi dua minggu, baru turun lagi!!!

oh iya, soryy banget jarang nge post, kelupaan mulu soalnya ! peace yo!

Jumat, Agustus 07, 2009

good friend, good time.

todaaaay is sooo much fun.
bisa dibilang best time ever!!! pertama di skul adem adem gitu, no trouble lah pokoknya. terus kedua SO ga gather. ketiga mall nya hari ini sepiiiii banget. keempat karena perginya sama nadia (bestie bestong!!) jadi mall nya berasa milik berdua.

nah kegiatan aku hari ini lumayan asyik and i definitely enjoy it. berasa banget fun girl times nya. gada gangguan dari manapun lah. tadi di skul pas fisika alhamdulillah aku ngerti and fine fine aja. pas kesenian gurunya gada and karena hari ini mood aku lagi baguuus banget, aku yang bener maleees ini eh ternyata berhasil menyelesaikan 2 tugas kesenian! thanks for the mood which was soo good and mendukung banget. trus pulang sekolah nothing happen. jam 12 gitu aku cabut ke rumah nadi mo jemput dia nahh walopun mobil aku sempet kehabisan bensin tapi alhamdulillah lagi berhasil ngisi 5 liter dgn selamat sentosa. ga dorong dorong mobil deh jadinya. terus dari rumah nadia langsung ke mall,, beli tiket nonton dulu, sempet rada bingung mo nonton apa antara identitas sama knowing (nicholas cage) but we end up choosing 'knowing'. well karena masih ada waktu dua jam kita memutuskan doing kara-o-ke.. gila disini nih yang bener having fun bangett^^ kita nyanyi nyanyi ga jelaasss gitu lah pokoknya. selese disini kita lagsung nonton. terus isi perut di solaria., enjoying a modern fried rice with scrambled egg. deliciousoo! teruus window shopping. ke gramedia beli komik dua sama penghapus kembar. aku warna pink nadia warna biru. terakhir ke strawberry, beli kutex dua biji terus pulang deeh. ah i feel so happy.

havin a good day, good times, so much fun. never forget nor regret today. she's just my very bestest ever friend in the whole wide world.

and one thing, when the mood is right, everything is so wonderful.

Senin, Agustus 03, 2009

haha i'm succesfully turn into korean drama admirer!

yea!! boys before flowers is freakin cool drama series i've ever watched!!!!
well, sebenarnya inti ceritanya ya sama kaya meteor garden & hana yori dango, secara sama sama diadopsi dari komik yang sama, tapiiii versi koreanya lebuiiih keren pemainnya terus terus baju nya bagus bagus (loh?).
nah, mungkin sebagian besar yang nonton bbf bakalan kepincut sama kim bum, (idiih siapa coba yang ga naksir dia? senyumnya itu lohh). nah so do i.
jujur aja aku rada rada males gitu pas nonton scene yang ga ada dianya hehe. nah kalo pas giliran kim bum sama kim so eun baru deeh menyimak. sayangnya gada scene kiss nya! huh! padahal aku pengennya cerita mereka lbh bnyk dan scene nya lbh bnyk dari gu jun pyo ma geum jandi. tapi ya mo gimana lagi toh pemeran utamanya gu junpyo ma geum jandi. nah nah i do some research over internet via google ( woaa i cant imagine my life without google, bisa bisa mpe sekarang ga tau kalo korea utara ma korea selatan itu dua negara berbeda! sumpah aku baru tau loh taunya juga pas nge google seoul, awalnya aku pikir korea itu cuman ada satu tapi oraang aja nyebutnya korea utara ma selatan kaya indonesia bagian barat tengah timur gitu. cih kurang wawasan banget yap aku?? >.<) hah back to kim bum and kim so eun. nah pas aku nge search di google aku nemu kalo kim bum ma kim so eun satu universitas dan mengambil jurusan yang sama!!!! woop woop! akankah cinta akan bersemi di antara mreka? i hope so, hehe. trus juga di google ada gmbr bummie ( kim bum) dan eunnie ( so eun) make cincin yang sama!! tapi tapi itu cuman tuntutan sponsor katanya -.- huu. mudahan aja mereka maen series bareng lagi terus pada cinlok! ammiiiiinn. btw sesungguhnya aku sendiri sampe saat ini belum tamat lo nonton nii series aku mau nunggu nunggu dulu nontonnya juga di ulang ulang biar paham betul! wehehehehe. aku ga terima kenyataan kalo episodenya sampe 25 doang,, i want more bummie and eunnie so make more please and this time make sure you both make a long kiss scene so the fans can be soooo happy and satisfied! yeah! now in other tab aku ngebuka youtube dan lagi nungguin videonya wonder girls - this fool yang ada kim bum nya.. ne mau nonton tapi ntar aku pajang dehh.. :) and in other tab i am browsing kim bum and kim soeun photos,, kalau kata fans fans nya kim bum ma kim so eun, mereka itu cocok beud dah! aku juga setuju banget! hidup soeulmates! soeul itu kepanjangan so yi jeong ma ga eul. peran mereka di bbf tuh. nahh ni beberapa foto foto mereka yang i admire alot ♥

yang ini kayanya iklan deh, iklan makanan gitu yang dijual gaeul di bff kan bubur jadi yaa mungkin ini ↓


and yaaayyy!! i found this video of kim bum singing!!! yo! i already had the song and absolutely in love with it!!!! Boys before Flowers fever mode : ON,,,

and this is wonder girl - this fool music video there's kim bum!!

btw aku udah dua minggu ini jadi anak kelas 11 ipa 2. cih jadi anak ipa emang melelahlkan tapi ga se rumit yang dipikirkan kok, toh matematika fisika ma kimia ibu guru yang ngajar. mana pada ahli di bidangnya lagi jadi aku rada menikmati.., terus SO is becom more stupid. i kinda certain that hey are all a moron! somehow the ldr dont keep his promise, and if i wasnt wrong im about to expell out from SO. huh whatever. i realise i'm sorta over the rule so i will attend this week :)) it's not a big deal just to attend some group of moron hahaha. wah udah jam 11 malem besok sekolahh euy. nah ini posting terbanyak and terpanjang!! wuhuuu gimme a congrats guys on finally post a long entry!! :))

night, peeps.