Rabu, Januari 11, 2012

new k boygroup to stan

i mean hello! if you are a hardcore korean pop lover
you must have heard the word of EXO
soon to debut boyband consists of 12 cuties
mix, chinese and korean
the face of the group named kai and no other than taemin's bestie
and he fucking looks like him

but my strongest reason to stan this one

is because of my cutie jino baby from sm the ballad
whose voice is overly sexy and unique
is said to be one of the member
well of course i'm excited
exo is like the second boygroup that makes me overly excited
with shinee they both like my bundle of joy lol
im calling them my boys cause yeah i feel like a proud mama when i see their videos
dont know when exo is going to debut but one thing i know for sure is within this month
cause hellyeah shinee wil comeback after them

well i came across someone's blog and realized that i'm so missing this blog, tumblr is like too handy (?) kinda miss this classy way of blogging lol
idk what am talking about
erm, real life,
well im officially on vacation
but i prefer staying home and saving money
for exo's and shinee's new alb lol
dentistry been fine and i just collected some teeth this morning
and godness it was hard to find those teeth lol
i've been rewatching old gossip girl videos from season 2 because gossip girl have like year-end hiatus and leave us hanging is chuck die or not etcetc
so that's pretty much what i've been doing
  • waiting for exo's teasers
  • waiting for them to debut
  • keeping update with shinee's newest activities (oh jongkey is being a radio dj rn, minho with some kinda sitcom, taemin with new variety show, and id what onew's been doing lately)
  • watching gossip girl
  • waiting dc's new chapter
  • waiting for my SHINEE BARCELONA book which is gonna be in my hand within this week woop woop so exciteddddd
so mostly my obsessions lately are all about exo, shinee, gossip girl and dc,
lol hope i can find something else lololol