Minggu, Maret 06, 2011

beauty is tears T.T

i was having some facial treatments like peeling or smth idek and they pinched my acnes so damn hard i was holding back my tears. it was soooooooo fuckin hurts oh gosh remembering how painful it was make me wanna crey again T___T

and i had to do it again once more, beauty is real pain in the ass -_-

tomorrow is muthafuckin monday so i guess i’ll heading to bed soon. i just finished watching detective conan’s movie it was so kewl wanna watch more but yeah it’s near eleven alr. so goodnight =,=

Kamis, Maret 03, 2011

fights, friends, and forgiveness.

so my class held an urgent meeting today, lots of my friends were having big catfight because of misunderstanding and lack of communication. tears flow everywhere TT.TT but we solved all the problems prettily and we hugged each other tightly in the end. this was so touching i almost shed tears but my eyes refused to >.< LOL
i'm so gonna miss highschool life and friends. they are the best thing.