Senin, November 29, 2010

omg i love this pic above :O no matter how long i stare at it, this pic always leave me in awe like :O

i'm so obsessed with colourful sky/cloud with stars and that sparkle. omg i'm being so random just now blogging about the pic of sky? nay nay nay.

but i literally dont have anything to say cause once i feel like i wanna post a blog i immediately forget about almost everything that happened recently. so i end up writing random shit like picture, music, movies and that's what i wanna write about. *wtf am i tryna to say?*

music huh. ermm my ears listen to lotsa kpop genre lately. ever since i know about shinee *you know shinee? five boys who shine brightest from south korea, if you didnt know then you better move to mars* okay so where was i? ah yeah, ever since i know shinee, i listen to kpop alot. other than kpop i also listen to lady gaga - the remix album and acoustic cafe discography.

ACOUSTIC CAFE. its genre is new age. and sooooooooo easy-listening.

i've spent most of my days by youtube-ing and tumblr-ing. i hardly ever watch tv and that's why i dont really update with new american songs. kpop for the wins! lalala~
the latest movie i saw is Harry Potter 7 part 1. i watch the premiere and actually satisfied and cant wait for the part two!

i want to continue tumblr-ing so i guess i'll write lata ~_~