Kamis, Agustus 26, 2010
Minggu, Agustus 22, 2010
it's a holy month!

i’m sorry for the lack of new posts, but I’ve been crazy busy plus lazy lately :P. been into k-pop (especially shinee) and all i do is watching korean drama, variety show and music show. stay up late watching shinee’s reality show on youtube etc. i also listen to their song and crazily obsessed with taeminnie <333 i dont know why i’m attracted by his super cute charm since i saw him on lucifer mv! ahh i love myself when i have someone/something to obsessed with haha
trus ini lagi bulan puasa dan kemaren cuman disuruh turun sekolah 3 hari jadi sekarang udah libur lagiiii :))
udahan deh, i'm uninspired and tired. i wanna continue watching shinee yunhanam (old reality show)
mohon maaf lahir dan bathin yaaa \(~,~)/
exciting things,
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