i want it i want it! despicable me for sure!
it's about her stuffs, stories, thoughts, ideas and every little thing about sharla.
But i personally think eclipse was fantastic. The saga is getting better. And now i already crave to see breaking dawn, i wanna see who will play renésmee. She’s my favo character on twilight saga
Aaaaand ah! Eclipse soundtrack is so bloody good!
and about worldcup madness! uh oh, spain is entering semifinal! tomorrow night is germany versus spain match. i'm a huge supporter (and fans) of both team but i personally think germany will win this match. i've been into germany since england and argentina got beaten by them. spain is great but, they just need more miracle to win over germany woohoo i love gerrmanyyy especially muller and neuer hahahaha
i'm so active on tumblr and twitter, if you wanna say hi so go check it out.
my holiday still 6 days remaining whoaa. oh no. and i just signed up for bimbel cause i'm now in 12th grade. holyshuu time flies.movies i lately watch : eclipse, when in rome, v's day, all about steve, her best move
current crave : Harry Potter 7, knight and day, the killers, toy story 3.
current obsession : soeulmates, iphone cases, sherlock holmes, iphone apps.