Minggu, April 18, 2010

new new

Albums i've recently got and havent listen yet,

but i will take a listen tonight, and will tell you my most favorite one :)

Kamis, April 15, 2010

yes, it's weird

when i was praying to god and hope for a good score, better future, etc, in the middle of my shalat maghrib, my tears drop suddenly. i dunno why and i cant stop dropping tears, so i really beg to Allah to forgive all of my mistakes and also to my mom. then i feel so blessed! i relieve, after all. it’s weird! dont ya think?

well sorry for random babbling over there ↑

and i was considering purchase some albums, and i got attracted to go radio album cover,

should i grab this ↑ ?? well all i know the band was formed by mayday parade ex-vocalist. have no idea how it sounds like so, i’m having a little doubt here, >.<

justin bieber thingy is soo boring, i hate to see him always appear on twitter trending topics. he's not worth it! not that i'm anti-bieber, i love him but not very much :P

i recently grab a few albums like kate nash, lil boots, I Nine, cady groves, etc i cant name it one by one.

i think paul griffith's gf jessica forrest is such a cutie! and oliver sykes gf amanda hendrick is such a hottie! lol

oli & amanda

paul & jess

love 'em!

current watch : family guy, bitchslap, clash of the titans, G.I. Joe
current listen : Kate nash - doo wah doo
current read : sherlock holmes :*

Hellyeah nanight :))