well the title describe the main reason why i can finally post again here :) yes i have some days off that allow me to write, and also after a week my internet connection being such a bitch now it's stable!
today is the first day of the holiday and i wake up weirdly earlier than usual, but what's up with that?
and then i am successfully becoming a tweet maniac, which means i tweet much like 100 per day. yeah! and if my account get limited i use the other account twitter.com/lalajunkie.
oh i probably never mention before that i got new iphone from my parents and i absolutely loving it. hype hype hype! thanks god!
currently listening to : Angus and julia stone new album called down the way, and my favorite track is 'For you'

i cant give you a review but all i can say is this album is so easy listening! for the first time i heard it i thought it's kind of boring then i'm becoming addicted to it. so i think you should grab this album on iTunes if you are a music junkie hahaha
right now i'm waiting for my downloads, i really do hope it's gonna be done. i have a little doubt it's not gonna be, let's be more optimistic!

my current addiction. it's so yummy i think i cant get over it! overdose!