Selasa, Desember 07, 2010


Sifat Golongan darah B

  1. Orang yang bergolongan darah B ini cenderung penasaran dan tertarik terhadap segalanya.
  2. Mereka juga cenderung mempunyai terlalu banyak kegemaran dan hobby. Kalau sedang suka dengan sesuatu biasanya mereka menggebu-gebu namun cepat juga bosan.
  3. Tapi biasanya mereka bisa memilih mana yang lebih penting dari sekian banyak hal yang di kerjakannya.
  4. Mereka cenderung ingin menjadi nomor satu dalam berbagai hal ketimbang hanya dianggap rata-rata. Dan biasanya mereka cenderung melalaikan sesuatu jika terfokus dengan kesibukan yang lain. Dengan kata lain, mereka tidak bisa mengerjakan sesuatu secara berbarengan.
  5. Mereka dari luar terlihat cemerlang, riang, bersemangat dan antusias. Namun sebenarnya hal itu semua sama sekali berbeda dengan yang ada didalam diri mereka.
  6. Mereka bisa dikatakan sebagai orang yang tidak ingin bergaul dengan banyak orang.
this is so true.

Senin, November 29, 2010

omg i love this pic above :O no matter how long i stare at it, this pic always leave me in awe like :O

i'm so obsessed with colourful sky/cloud with stars and that sparkle. omg i'm being so random just now blogging about the pic of sky? nay nay nay.

but i literally dont have anything to say cause once i feel like i wanna post a blog i immediately forget about almost everything that happened recently. so i end up writing random shit like picture, music, movies and that's what i wanna write about. *wtf am i tryna to say?*

music huh. ermm my ears listen to lotsa kpop genre lately. ever since i know about shinee *you know shinee? five boys who shine brightest from south korea, if you didnt know then you better move to mars* okay so where was i? ah yeah, ever since i know shinee, i listen to kpop alot. other than kpop i also listen to lady gaga - the remix album and acoustic cafe discography.

ACOUSTIC CAFE. its genre is new age. and sooooooooo easy-listening.

i've spent most of my days by youtube-ing and tumblr-ing. i hardly ever watch tv and that's why i dont really update with new american songs. kpop for the wins! lalala~
the latest movie i saw is Harry Potter 7 part 1. i watch the premiere and actually satisfied and cant wait for the part two!

i want to continue tumblr-ing so i guess i'll write lata ~_~

Jumat, Oktober 15, 2010


hmm. well, today is the last day of me being sixteen. will be seventeen in the next couple of hours T.T. i am one of the type that dont really like the idea of getting old. not that i want to stay young, but i alr feel comfy with this age.

so, all i can say is that i really enjoy this age. single and very happy :)

my only wish is that i can graduate from high school with a very good score. i also want to stay healthy, wealthy and lucky. Amiiiin amiiin ya rabbal alamin.

and i wanna say ALHAMDULILLAHI RABBIL ALAMIN. cause i'm so blessed to still alive.

Rabu, Oktober 06, 2010

no oh no oh

key is just so awesoome <3

Rabu, September 29, 2010

Clémentine - Animentine ~ Bossa du animé ~

I've been wanting this album for so long. i'm so happy when i got it so i decided to share it to everyone! click here for download, the password is kmckmc :))


i was listening to MCR - Na Na Na, BMTH ft Lights - Don't go, Paris Hilton ft Cathy Dennis - Catch You, and Pitbull ft T-Pain - Hey Baby an hour ago. now clementine - doraemon no uta, oooh i love all genres! but bossanova really put me in a good mood ~~(^.^)~~

Selasa, September 14, 2010

back to school

okay just a quick update. i still cant face the fact that i have to go to school tomorrow after a very long holiday. it could be my last long holiday since iam now on third grade of senior highschool. and on this holiday i always sleep at 1.30 AM and wake up at 12 in the afternoon. i have trouble on wake up early. which is a big prob cause i have a class on 7! gosh i wish i can wake up earlier easily.

i consider not to go to school tomorrow but i still confused so i havent decide to attend sch or to not to.

still obsessed with kpop idol SHINee, and spent most time on youtube watch their videos. i just love them. oh and i heard a rumor that they will come to indonesia on oct 12th this year awwww i hope i can watch them live! i wish i wishhh.

i feel more alive when i have something to obsessed with. seriously. am i a weirdo? lol

geez i gotta go showering now. see ya later.

currently love listening to : shinee - you.
an old one but so mellow and easy listening!

Kamis, Agustus 26, 2010

onkyu cuteness

my two biases from different groups ohhh why are they so cute? <33333333

Minggu, Agustus 22, 2010

it's a holy month!

i’m sorry for the lack of new posts, but I’ve been crazy busy plus lazy lately :P. been into k-pop (especially shinee) and all i do is watching korean drama, variety show and music show. stay up late watching shinee’s reality show on youtube etc. i also listen to their song and crazily obsessed with taeminnie <333 i dont know why i’m attracted by his super cute charm since i saw him on lucifer mv! ahh i love myself when i have someone/something to obsessed with haha

trus ini lagi bulan puasa dan kemaren cuman disuruh turun sekolah 3 hari jadi sekarang udah libur lagiiii :))

udahan deh, i'm uninspired and tired. i wanna continue watching shinee yunhanam (old reality show)

mohon maaf lahir dan bathin yaaa \(~,~)/

Sabtu, Juli 17, 2010

craving for these :

i want it i want it! despicable me for sure!

Senin, Juli 05, 2010

It's july

On july 1st , i was planning to post a blog and i actually have done writing it, but my internet connection was a jerk. so i will post it right now, sorry for the late ahah

Well my first day of july was kind of interesting, i woke up at 9, my friends (they are all so freaking nice!) texted me that they got eclipse tix for me so i took a bath, get dressed and went to the cinema. The seat was great, lucky us! I met my bestie ayien at cinema toilet and spoke for a minute. But there was a trouble with the electricity so the movie was paused and disappear and blackout. to make it worse, it happened for like 7 times! So when we were totally concentrating to the movie, suddenly the movie stopped and disappeared. Pain in the ass.

But i personally think eclipse was fantastic. The saga is getting better. And now i already crave to see breaking dawn, i wanna see who will play renésmee. She’s my favo character on twilight saga

Aaaaand ah! Eclipse soundtrack is so bloody good!

and about worldcup madness! uh oh, spain is entering semifinal! tomorrow night is germany versus spain match. i'm a huge supporter (and fans) of both team but i personally think germany will win this match. i've been into germany since england and argentina got beaten by them. spain is great but, they just need more miracle to win over germany woohoo i love gerrmanyyy especially muller and neuer hahahaha

i'm so active on tumblr and twitter, if you wanna say hi so go check it out.

my holiday still 6 days remaining whoaa. oh no. and i just signed up for bimbel cause i'm now in 12th grade. holyshuu time flies.

oh! i got my iphone OS 3 being upgrade in to iOS 4 and i am absolutely lovin it!

music i currently listen to : the bird and the bee, breathe electric, cute is what we aim for, enrique iglesias.

movies i lately watch : eclipse, when in rome, v's day, all about steve, her best move

current crave : Harry Potter 7, knight and day, the killers, toy story 3.

current obsession : soeulmates, iphone cases, sherlock holmes, iphone apps.


well, something tells me i'm into something good :) .

Minggu, Juni 13, 2010

hey june

it's june, and i'm in the middle of my final test. wish me luck for it.

i always feel terrible on how i post a blog just once in a month. lol.
like always, i don't have anything worth to say. i probably have, but i forget. i always been. so things i'm gonna tell is usual things like books i currently read, music i currently love and cant get the lyrics over my brain, or movies i've been watched recently. it's boring i know but at least i try ;)

oh! and i have my looklet widget here so you can see my latest look hahah (so not important).

well fifa world cup 2010 has begun since a couple days ago and my favo team is england and spain. i predict one of them will enter the final so let's cheer them! :D
and then, ariel peterporn sextape scandal is sooo boring. they always show up on my tv which is make me wanna puke like seriously!

now let's talking about books i currently read :

i have finished 'marmut merah jambu' by raditya dika which make me almost pissing myself laughing out loud cause it was soooo amazingly funny!
and right now i'm reading sign of four, still chapter two, and it's amazing too.
the last three books, still untouched and unread still freshly new and i plan to read it later on the holiday so i wont get killed by boredom :) fo shoooo

as for music i currently listen to iiiiissss :

  1. Katy Perry - California Gurls
  2. Framing Hanley Albums
  3. Miley Cyrus - Can't be Tamed
  4. Justin Bieber ft Jaden Smith - Never Say Never
  5. Ke$ha - N-N-Neva Baby
  6. 3oh!3 - My First Kiss, Deja Vu
  7. Pendulum - Hold Your Colour
  8. Shakira - Waka Waka
  9. Drake - Miss Me
  10. dakota Fanning Feat Kristen Stewart - Cherry Bomb
  11. Eclipse Soundtrack (Muse - Neutron Star Collision is my favo)
  12. Orianthi New Album
  13. Lena Meyer New Album
  14. The Ready Set New Album
  15. Grace Potter and The nocturnal New Album

the last, movies i watch recently is :

the most recent is the karate kid, the previous one was Prince of Persia,

planning to watch this month : toy story 3 (if it's available on my cinema), ECLIPSE in this june 30th ( i believe it's available!) and then the killers (perhaps)

that's it. short and not very clear. i wanna continue studying japanese. i had that exam tomorrow. hope everything is good. xoxo


Minggu, Mei 30, 2010

on the way

I'm otw to the local mall and the idea if post a blog cross in my mind so i post via iPhone now,

And today i've downloaded some albums, christina aguilera -bionic, automatic loveletter - truth or dare, lee dwyze - slumberland, mgmt - oracular spectacular (if i'm not mistaken the title lol), quick quick danger album, and many more.

I think i'm a real bad ass blogger cause i post a blog once a month haha, but well at least i try ;)

I do tweet a lot and post a tumblr more often than blogspot, you could check in my websites section on the right for the url.

Minggu, April 18, 2010

new new

Albums i've recently got and havent listen yet,

but i will take a listen tonight, and will tell you my most favorite one :)

Kamis, April 15, 2010

yes, it's weird

when i was praying to god and hope for a good score, better future, etc, in the middle of my shalat maghrib, my tears drop suddenly. i dunno why and i cant stop dropping tears, so i really beg to Allah to forgive all of my mistakes and also to my mom. then i feel so blessed! i relieve, after all. it’s weird! dont ya think?

well sorry for random babbling over there ↑

and i was considering purchase some albums, and i got attracted to go radio album cover,

should i grab this ↑ ?? well all i know the band was formed by mayday parade ex-vocalist. have no idea how it sounds like so, i’m having a little doubt here, >.<

justin bieber thingy is soo boring, i hate to see him always appear on twitter trending topics. he's not worth it! not that i'm anti-bieber, i love him but not very much :P

i recently grab a few albums like kate nash, lil boots, I Nine, cady groves, etc i cant name it one by one.

i think paul griffith's gf jessica forrest is such a cutie! and oliver sykes gf amanda hendrick is such a hottie! lol

oli & amanda

paul & jess

love 'em!

current watch : family guy, bitchslap, clash of the titans, G.I. Joe
current listen : Kate nash - doo wah doo
current read : sherlock holmes :*

Hellyeah nanight :))

Senin, Maret 22, 2010

i have 12 days off!

well the title describe the main reason why i can finally post again here :) yes i have some days off that allow me to write, and also after a week my internet connection being such a bitch now it's stable!

today is the first day of the holiday and i wake up weirdly earlier than usual, but what's up with that?

and then i am successfully becoming a tweet maniac, which means i tweet much like 100 per day. yeah! and if my account get limited i use the other account

oh i probably never mention before that i got new iphone from my parents and i absolutely loving it. hype hype hype! thanks god!

currently listening to : Angus and julia stone new album called down the way, and my favorite track is 'For you'

i cant give you a review but all i can say is this album is so easy listening! for the first time i heard it i thought it's kind of boring then i'm becoming addicted to it. so i think you should grab this album on iTunes if you are a music junkie hahaha

right now i'm waiting for my downloads, i really do hope it's gonna be done. i have a little doubt it's not gonna be, let's be more optimistic!

my current addiction. it's so yummy i think i cant get over it! overdose!

Kamis, Februari 18, 2010


To be honest, i'm totally forgot about this blog and i feel bad about it! my bad okay my bad.

since i have a little time to type something so let's go to the main topic, well, my bad again, i dont have a topic! so let's we random things on my mind.

oh! forgot to say happy valentine's day!

i've got so many homeworks and exams lately, which i'm not good at both of it. so let's hope i get a good score. school still kinda sucks to me but i try to start thinking positive from now on.

i'm still a music and movie junkie. and trying hard to make it balance with study thingy.

gosh, i really want to make a long post today but i dont have anything or any words to type!

okay what about things i love lately? hmm let me think for a sec, hmmm
oh yeah! port blue!
PORT BLUE, is the ambient side project of multi-instrumentalist Adam Young, better known for being the artist behind Owl City. His work is described as "a soundtrack of pacific-sweet melancholy and gentle midsummer enchantment".

i cannot stop listening to it! since i love instrumental, electronic or such a thing, listening to port blue makes me feel great and happy. honestly, each music created by adam always successfully makes me smile, makes my heart warm. and it's true! honestly! it's happen to me! very enjoyable.

now, i'm downloading another port blue album and shit! i hate waiting. i wanna be able to listen to it as soon as possible. while i'm waiting i decide to write this blog hahaha why am i so random for telling that?

now again, port blue - of japan is playing on my itunes and you probably should have your ears listen to it! soooooo great!

aaand here's the official video of justin bieber - baby

i think it's kinda usual and nothing wow but hey he's one year younger than me!

aha my downloads has already finished so i think i'm gonna end this blog by saying goodnight!

Kamis, Januari 07, 2010

random %)