Kamis, Desember 31, 2009

Into New year, say hello to 2010!

years go by, bener bener ga kerasa udah satu tahun!

hmm my new year's resolutions:
  • nabung yang banyak
  • punya prestasi yang bisa dibanggakan
  • nilai fisika kimia biologi lebih tinggi
  • ahh pokoknya to be perfect in every way lah (maunya)
Aminaminaminamin :)

sebenarnya pengen cerita hal hal penting yang terjadi 2009, tp kelupaan. selain itu ada banyak kejadian yang wow di tahun 2009, which i cant tell you one by one (padahal emang lupa). oh and semoga tahun 2010 lebih banyak laughter nya drpd sorrow nya!

i'm so happy it's 2010 already coz i'm craving to see piala dunia huahahahaha.

well let me say HAPPY NEW YEAR againnn. May the year bring us Love,Happiness and Blessings. 2010 will be waaaaaay better than 2009!



(maklum lg obsessed banget sama gossip girl, tiap sms maunya nulis ex o ex o trus initial S kaya Serena hahahaha. i want Jenny and Nate to be Pair up! Serenate is kinda boring i think. loh? ko ngomongin gossip girl? :O )

Rabu, Desember 16, 2009

Seasons are changing

it is sure fucked up feeling that i got when i find this blog is sort of abandoned by me. lately, i'm so lazy to typing something long like two paragraph that is why i rarely update this blog. Sorry. i'm just active in twitter, tumblr and plurk. facebook turn to be so lame like friendster right now. twitter is so simple, tumblr is so easy, and plurk is rather unique. no offense, blogger, i think blogger is kinda difficult, you know? . try tumblr is easier! haha!

sebenarnya 30 menit lagi my conversation class dimulai. and i havent showering, preparing anything. instead i choose to write a blog. weird huh?

i'm done decorating my tree and xmas shopping. i hope this xmas will be great! dang! what i've said? ignore ignore! :D

soo many thoughts in my mind to write but i have to hurry coz i have my convo class starting in 25 minutes! i'm not gonna promising that i will posting a blog some more after this cause you know, when laziness kicks in, so hard to fight hahaha :P so excuse me, i'm off to my convo class