havent been able to write a blog make me feel guilty because of 100% my laziness and i'm out of ideas. since today is october 31st which mean a happy halloween day so i decide to write about it. As you have probably know that in my country we arent celebrate halloween day, i personally want to but people in my country is rather 'difficult'. Pake kostum macem macem ntar bisa di cekal lagi hahaha.
but i got an invitation to attend halloween party tonight but yes it is above 9 pm so i absolutely not allow by my mum.
haduh internet aku connectionnya slowley sekaleee
off to the main topic, well i rather suprised by the fact that Owl City has scored and unexpected US #1 with the single Fireflies. aku kan suka fireflies udah lama ko baru skrg sih ngetopnya? telat banget nih peoples. btw, talking about owl city reminds me of another male singer yang suaranya rada mirip sama Adam Young, yaitu :
☻Christofer Drew/Never Shout Never
☻Stephen Jerzak
☻Chase Coy
pokoknya suara mereka, instrumen, lirik lagu, musiknya semuanya miriiiiiiip banget. dan aku kebetulan lagi suka banget sama musik musik 7 lirik yang sweet kaya gitu. trus entah kenapa akhir2 ini suka banget denger lagu yang slow..
songs that most played :
Chase Coy - 440
Chase Coy - Lullaby
Chase Coy - If the moon fell down
Stephen Jerzak - Alone With The Sunrise
NVN! - Hummingbird
Stephen Jerzak - Together With The Sundown
Owl City - Vanilla Twilight
Chase Coy - My Heart Will Find Rest
Chase Coy - Mockingbird
Owl City - The Saltwater Room
Stephen Jerzak - I'm in Love
NVN! - Trouble
Stephen Jerzak - Cute
Stephen Jerzak - King
Owl City - If My Heart Was A House
NVN! - On the Brightside
Escape The Fate - Harder Than You Know
3OH!3 - Still Around
Hey Monday - 6 Months ← ♥♥♥♥♥
i dont have anything to say anymore, so see ya!
and of course HAPPY HALLOW's EVE!
but i got an invitation to attend halloween party tonight but yes it is above 9 pm so i absolutely not allow by my mum.
haduh internet aku connectionnya slowley sekaleee
off to the main topic, well i rather suprised by the fact that Owl City has scored and unexpected US #1 with the single Fireflies. aku kan suka fireflies udah lama ko baru skrg sih ngetopnya? telat banget nih peoples. btw, talking about owl city reminds me of another male singer yang suaranya rada mirip sama Adam Young, yaitu :
☻Christofer Drew/Never Shout Never
☻Stephen Jerzak
☻Chase Coy
pokoknya suara mereka, instrumen, lirik lagu, musiknya semuanya miriiiiiiip banget. dan aku kebetulan lagi suka banget sama musik musik 7 lirik yang sweet kaya gitu. trus entah kenapa akhir2 ini suka banget denger lagu yang slow..
songs that most played :
Chase Coy - 440
Chase Coy - Lullaby
Chase Coy - If the moon fell down
Stephen Jerzak - Alone With The Sunrise
NVN! - Hummingbird
Stephen Jerzak - Together With The Sundown
Owl City - Vanilla Twilight
Chase Coy - My Heart Will Find Rest
Chase Coy - Mockingbird
Owl City - The Saltwater Room
Stephen Jerzak - I'm in Love
NVN! - Trouble
Stephen Jerzak - Cute
Stephen Jerzak - King
Owl City - If My Heart Was A House
NVN! - On the Brightside
Escape The Fate - Harder Than You Know
3OH!3 - Still Around
Hey Monday - 6 Months ← ♥♥♥♥♥
i dont have anything to say anymore, so see ya!
and of course HAPPY HALLOW's EVE!