"Sometimes the truth hurts,
but you have to remember
It hurts even more when you find out its a lie."
but you have to remember
It hurts even more when you find out its a lie."
i know i'm the type of girl who kind of afraid to speak up my mind to a person. or at least i was. i always wrote on the diary and now in my blog. the rules has changed. something happen lately between my mum and i. that causing me to not hesitate to speak up again especially to my momma. oh god, she's wonderful. i thank her for so many things. thank you mum, for always stay by my side.
then the best friends. i'm such a loser and i know i've been wasting my times being a bitch to you. i always complaining you to be the best while myself forgot to introspect. sorry to you and i've learned my lesson. dont want to breaking the ties with you. cause i know i'm nothing without you.
whoa. sharla lagi dibawah pengaruh bulan ramadhan yang mulia. bayangkan dalam satu hari ini aku udah banyak mikir gimana caranya diri aku yang sekarang bisa menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik dari hari ke hari.
a month of forgiveness. i was a terrible mess. and today i'm fixing up all the broken things.
btw, lagi libur nih seminggu terus turun lagi dua minggu terus libur lagi dua minggu, baru turun lagi!!!
oh iya, soryy banget jarang nge post, kelupaan mulu soalnya ! peace yo!
then the best friends. i'm such a loser and i know i've been wasting my times being a bitch to you. i always complaining you to be the best while myself forgot to introspect. sorry to you and i've learned my lesson. dont want to breaking the ties with you. cause i know i'm nothing without you.
whoa. sharla lagi dibawah pengaruh bulan ramadhan yang mulia. bayangkan dalam satu hari ini aku udah banyak mikir gimana caranya diri aku yang sekarang bisa menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik dari hari ke hari.
a month of forgiveness. i was a terrible mess. and today i'm fixing up all the broken things.
btw, lagi libur nih seminggu terus turun lagi dua minggu terus libur lagi dua minggu, baru turun lagi!!!
oh iya, soryy banget jarang nge post, kelupaan mulu soalnya ! peace yo!