Rabu, Juni 04, 2014
well hello again
Been suuuuuch a long time not blogging here. 4 years. well wow. I'm indeed really good at ignoring something. I'm mostly posting on tumblr ( i have 4 accounts lmao) because it's much simpler there but there is something about blogspot that feels like hmm writing on your diary?
So I was just reading my old posts and feel so freaking embarassed ( I end up deleting some) and omg cant believe i was that stupid and open. I mean I curse at a person and write the name on a freaking blog ( I was seventeen we makes stupid, really stupid mistakes) so each time that person google his/her name, my blog shows up. Fucking cool. Absolutely clever. I just hope google would finally notice that i've already deleted the post BUT MY BLOG STILL ON THE RESULTS.
I was thinking to delete this blog but i cant sobs, so to everyone who googles their name and find my blog on the results, believe me, it's not you T____T (lame excuse)
OK so, 2014. I'm 20 years old, sadly.
Almost done with uni and next year i'm co-ass-ing (is that even a word idk).
life has been quite good (there are sure some troubles but in the end we only remember the happy ones), and i'm a complete bookworm right now. I'm currently obsessing over young adult novels' characters especially shadowhunter series, spazzing at flawless male models, listening to some good music, doing my nails, watching La Corda Season 3, watching korean variety called Roommate, DETECTIVE CONAN god it's getting really good, aaaaaaand sleeping.
nothing really changed except some fam issues which does not really matter life goes on
anyway It's june, my mom's bday is on the 16th idk what to get her, i clearly have no money sobs bc books are expensive =_=
Rabu, Januari 11, 2012
new k boygroup to stan
- waiting for exo's teasers
- waiting for them to debut
- keeping update with shinee's newest activities (oh jongkey is being a radio dj rn, minho with some kinda sitcom, taemin with new variety show, and id what onew's been doing lately)
- watching gossip girl
- waiting dc's new chapter
- waiting for my SHINEE BARCELONA book which is gonna be in my hand within this week woop woop so exciteddddd
Kamis, Oktober 27, 2011
Oh and hello
Minggu, Maret 06, 2011
beauty is tears T.T

i was having some facial treatments like peeling or smth idek and they pinched my acnes so damn hard i was holding back my tears. it was soooooooo fuckin hurts oh gosh remembering how painful it was make me wanna crey again T___T
and i had to do it again once more, beauty is real pain in the ass -_-
tomorrow is muthafuckin monday so i guess i’ll heading to bed soon. i just finished watching detective conan’s movie it was so kewl wanna watch more but yeah it’s near eleven alr. so goodnight =,=
Kamis, Maret 03, 2011
fights, friends, and forgiveness.

so my class held an urgent meeting today, lots of my friends were having big catfight because of misunderstanding and lack of communication. tears flow everywhere TT.TT but we solved all the problems prettily and we hugged each other tightly in the end. this was so touching i almost shed tears but my eyes refused to >.< LOL
Rabu, Februari 23, 2011

A wreath JongHyun sent to WheeSung’s concert.
I Need You / SHINee JongHyun
++ and Jonghyun said about it in a radio, “i need you” is a phrase of a poem ‘To Read In The Morning And The Night’ by Bertolt Brecht. He likes this poem so much, so he puts the paper with the phrase in his wallet. and also he wantted to be on the stage and sing with WheeSung.
Morgens und abends zu lesen
Der, den ich liebe
Hat mir gesagt
Daß er mich braucht.
Gebe ich auf mich acht
Sehe auf meinen Weg und
Fürchte von jedem Regentropfen
Daß er mich erschlagen könnte.
To read in the morning and at night
My love
Has told me
That he needs me.
That’s why
I take good care of myself
Watch out where I’m going and
Fear that any drop of rain
Might kill me.
i love the phrase too! i'll carry it in my bag then lol